July 11, 2013

Craft for Joy artwork program.

Indeed that when you do good to others God is with you in whatever decision you make. I dedicate this entry to the Pupils of Maingaran Elementary School for participating and welcoming us wholeheartedly.

Last week I did an outreach program with two of the prettiest inside and out women that I know. Tita pep and tita grace. Without them I don’t think I could do it on my own.

Craft for joy. It was a day of making things, letting the Kid’s imagination fly, have fun, and be just who they are, children who play and explore. 

 photo a1-5.jpg  photo a15-1.jpg  photo a13-1.jpg  photo a10-1.jpg photo a9-1.jpg photo a8-1.jpg photo a7-1.jpg photo a2-4.jpg photo a16-1.jpg photo a14-1.jpg

Thank you. This is all for the Glory of God. And thank u Children for making me part of your childhood memories.

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