October 25, 2015

Gift wrapping ideas

 Hosted a free workshop for kids last September.

June 8, 2015

Beauty and Fashion

1. I wear slippers everyday, comfort before style.
2. My new lv bag
3.My brand of cosmetics...

My happy list

June 1, 2015

My sons double birthday celebration.

April 28, 2015

I love you my Gian and Glynn.

I always pray that the Lord will give all the desires of your heart.
To guide you my Gian and Glynn, to protect you two every second, every minute, every hour, to bless you two with abundant life, love, and happiness in all your life. I love you my Gian and Glynn, there is nothing more I could ask for than just seeing you my little boys happy and healthy
Your mommy slash driver slash cook slash nanny 24 hours a day loves you both to the gazillion times.